Personal Information
Birthdate April 16, 1966
Birthplace: Iran
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 2
2012 National University of Malaysia (UKM), PhD in English Language Studies
The title of thesis:
A comparative analysis of verb collocation patterns in English and Persian: pedagogical implications
1997 Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. MA in General Linguistics
The title of thesis:
A linguistic classification of affixes in Guilaki.
1990 Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran. BA in English Literature
Work Experience
2010 to date Instructor to Bentolhoda Teacher training center
2010 to date Instructor to Imam Ali Teacher training center
2004 Instructor to Technical College in Somehsara, Iran
1999 to date Instructor to Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
1999 to date Instructor to Jahad Deneshgahi University, Rasht, Iran
1992 to date Tenured English teacher to high school for smart students, Rasht, Iran
Authenticity of Iranian English textbooks for schools (Vol. 1, No. 2, Dec.2011, ELLS)
Ezafe: a problematic invisible phoneme for Iranian EFL learners (Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2012, EJEL).
Culture-integrated teaching for the enhancement of EFL learner tolerance (Vol. 8, No. 6, May 2012 Asian Social Science )
An Investigation into Verb Direction in English and Persian (Vol. 8, No. 7; June 2012, Asian Social Science )
In Press:
Clashes of conciseness and wordiness between English and Persian verb systems (in Press, Vol. 8, No. 9, August 2012, Asian Social Science)
In Progress:
A Comparative Analysis of Conditional Clauses in English and Persian: Text Analysis ( in progress, 3L)
The effectiveness of explicit teaching in learning verb collocation (in progress, Gema)
Binomial and sentential directions in English and Persian (in progress, Gema)
1. Reading Success, (2005)
2. Vocabulary Success, (2005)
3. Grammar Success, (2005)
4. Cloze Test Success (1), (2007)
5. Cloze Test Success (2), (2007)
6. Cloze Test Success (3), (2007)
7. Pronunciation Success, (2007)
8. Stress Success, (2007)
Conference Presentations:
Authenticity of Iranian English textbooks for schools” Presented to the First Iranian Students Scientific conference, 2011,at UPM, Malaysia
The effect of awareness-raising on verb collocation feedback: an Iranian case study” Presented to Sollsintec11 conference, May 11-12, 2011, at UKM, Malaysia. SoLLs. INTEC 2011 Proceedings Available at:
Courses Taught:
1 | English textbooks in schools | 8 | Press reading |
2 | English conversation for teenagers | 9 | General linguistics |
3 | English conversation for University | 10 | Contrastive Analysis |
4 | University General Reading Courses | 11 | Grammar Courses for English Majors |
5 | ESP Reading | 12 | Essay writing |
6 | Letter writing | 13 | Methodology |
7 | Etymology and Morphology | 14 | Idioms |
Software Adobe Analyzers Microsoft SPSS
Photoshop WordSmith Word to some extent
AntConc Powerpoint
nvivo Excel